Our Current Drought (20Aug2022)

Drought map from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Drought Monitor.

As you can see, part of Harris County is in D3, the majority in D2.

Definitions from Weather.gov.

“Moderate Drought (D1): Some damage to crops, pastures, fire risk high; streams, reservoirs or wells low, some water shortage developing or imminent, voluntary water use restrictions requested.

“Severe Drought (D2): Crop or pasture loss likely, fire risk very high, water shortages common, water restrictions imposed.

“Extreme Drought (D3): Major crop/pasture losses, extreme fire danger, widespread water shortages or restrictions.

“Exceptional Drought (D4): Exceptional and widespread crop and pasture losses, exceptional fire risk, shortages of water in reservoirs, streams and wells causing water emergencies.”

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