American Kestrels
(Screen captures from a video.)
Red-tailed Hawks
A pair of Hawks I see around a lot. (Pictures from 29Jun2024.)
Western Chipmunk
Seen in the Foothills of Boise, 20 April 2024.
White-Crowned Sparrow
Seen in the Foothills of Boise, 21 April 2024.
Coopers Hawk Couple
One is banded, the other not.
Painted Lady Butterflies
I saw maybe four of them on 22 April 2024.
Great Basin Fence Lizard Photoshoot
Arrowleaf Bitterroot
The Foothills of Boise, 27 April 2024.
Mourning Cloak
Hulls Gulch, Boise ID, 23 April 2024.