Woodpecker (24Aug2022)
Training in Nature (7Aug2022)
Glorious Rain on Cypress Creek (27Aug2022)
Drought Report 16 & 23 Aug 2022
Images from Drought.gov. Click on an image to expand.
Ribbon Snake (23Aug2022)
Rain on Little Cypress Creek (27Aug2022)
Red-shouldered Hawks (23Jul2022)
Cottontail Rabbit! (27Jun2022)
Swamp Rabbit (a species of Cottontail), I think. On Wikipedia, they say “Swamp rabbits mainly live close to lowland water, often in cypress swamps, marshland, floodplain, and river tributaries. Swamp rabbits spend much of their time in depressions which they dig in tall grass or leaves, providing cover while they wait until the nighttime to …