A Rain-swollen Big Cypress Creek (30Jan2023)
Cypress Creek, near N. Eldridge, 17’ Deep After Heavy Rain (25Jan2023)
The Pond at Cypress Park After Heavy Rain (25Jan2023)
Creek & River Gauge and Prediction Site
The National Weather Service’s Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service allows you to see graphs like this. You can see a graph by clicking on a dot on the map when online.
An Early January 2023 Rain
Raining Out the Drought 2022
Some data from 11 Nov 2022. Some data from 12 Dec 2022.
Rain! Thank Goodness!
We got some much-needed rain overnight, then a good shower in the afternoon of 29OCt2022.
Out of Drought! (As of 8Sept2022)
Thank goodness our area is out of drought conditions, but probably only just barely. We need more rain, but some other places in the state — and country and world — need it more.