Egyptian Geese (6Sept2022)

In “Egyptian Goose Alopochen aegyptiaca,” they say on Audubon”

“Native to Africa, this odd goose is popular in zoos and aviaries. Escaped birds have established wild populations in Florida, Texas, and California, and free-flying escapees are sometimes seen elsewhere.”

In “Egyptian Goose,” they say on Wikipedia:

“This is a largely terrestrial species, which will also perch readily on trees and buildings. Egyptian geese typically eat seeds, leaves, grasses and plant stems. Occasionally, they will eat locusts, worms, or other small animals. Until the goslings are a few weeks old and strong enough to graze, they feed largely on small aquatic invertebrates, especially freshwater plankton. As a result, if anoxic conditions lead to the production of botulinum toxin and it gets passed up the food chain via worms and insect larvae insensitive to the toxin, entire clutches of goslings feeding on such prey may die. The parents, who do not eat such organisms to any significant extent, generally remain unaffected.

“Both sexes are aggressively territorial towards their own species when breeding and frequently pursue intruders into the air, attacking them in aerial ‘dogfights’. Egyptian geese have been observed attacking aerial objects such as drones that enter their habitat as well. Neighbouring pairs may even kill another’s offspring for their own offsprings’ survival, as well as for more resources.

“This species will nest in a large variety of situations, especially in holes in mature trees in parkland. The female builds the nest from reeds, leaves and grass and both parents take turns incubating the eggs. Egyptian geese usually pair for life. Both the male and female care for the offspring until they are old enough to care for themselves. Such parental care, however, does not include foraging for the young, who, being precocial, forage for themselves.

“In their native range, predators of Egyptian geese include leopards, lions, cheetahs, hyenas, crocodiles and Old World vultures.”

And, in Texas, predators might include maybe Coyotes and Bobcats.

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