Predators Select For Nutrients, 2

In the abstract to “Nutrient-specific foraging in invertebrate predators” (Science, 2005 Jan 7;307(5706):111-3.doi: 10.1126/science.1105493.) David Mayntz , David Raubenheimer, Mor Salomon, Søren Toft, and Stephen J Simpson write: Many herbivores and omnivores adjust their food selection behavior to regulate the intake of multiple nutrients. Carnivores, however, are generally assumed to optimize the rate of prey …

Predators Select For Nutrients

In the abstract to “Do wild carnivores forage for prey or for nutrients? Evidence for nutrient-specific foraging in vertebrate predators” (Bioessays, 2015 Jun;37(6):701-9. doi: 10.1002/bies.201400171.), Kevin D Kohl, Sean C P Coogan, and David Raubenheimer write: A widespread perception is that carnivores are limited by the amount of prey that can be captured rather than …

Yellow Nutsedge Moth (17May2022)

A new one to me! It’s a nice-looking moth! And it looks to be less common than many other plant and animal species! (Screen captures from 20May2022.) For some context on those numbers (from iNaturalist’s About page): began as the Master’s final project of Ken-ichi Ueda, Nate Agrin, and Jessica Kline at UC Berkeley’s …