Eastern Hognose (1Feb2017)
Beautiful, gorgeous, colorful Eastern Hognose. Seen way back on 1 February 2017. By some people, they are confused with Cobras and killed. If someone around here says they saw a Cobra, they’re most likely wrong. It was probably a Hognose. I don’t even know how many captive Cobras there are around here that could escape. …
Predators Select For Nutrients, 2
In the abstract to “Nutrient-specific foraging in invertebrate predators” (Science, 2005 Jan 7;307(5706):111-3.doi: 10.1126/science.1105493.) David Mayntz , David Raubenheimer, Mor Salomon, Søren Toft, and Stephen J Simpson write: Many herbivores and omnivores adjust their food selection behavior to regulate the intake of multiple nutrients. Carnivores, however, are generally assumed to optimize the rate of prey …
Predators Select For Nutrients
In the abstract to “Do wild carnivores forage for prey or for nutrients? Evidence for nutrient-specific foraging in vertebrate predators” (Bioessays, 2015 Jun;37(6):701-9. doi: 10.1002/bies.201400171.), Kevin D Kohl, Sean C P Coogan, and David Raubenheimer write: A widespread perception is that carnivores are limited by the amount of prey that can be captured rather than …
CCERP Podcast Episode 11: Moving in the Outdoors
Fear Not Wildlife, Fear Dogs and Humans
Deaths by Various Causes List of countries by traffic-related death rate List of fatal cougar attacks in North America List of fatal bear attacks in North America List of wolf attacks in North America Coyote attack List of fatal dog attacks in the United States (2010s) List of fatal dog attacks in the United States …
Western Rat Snake (10Apr2019)
Three minutes, 46 seconds.
Yellow Nutsedge Moth (17May2022)
A new one to me! It’s a nice-looking moth! And it looks to be less common than many other plant and animal species! (Screen captures from 20May2022.) For some context on those numbers (from iNaturalist’s About page): iNaturalist.org began as the Master’s final project of Ken-ichi Ueda, Nate Agrin, and Jessica Kline at UC Berkeley’s …
“Jumping Bobcat Slow Motion”
Forty-seven seconds.
“Bobcat Makes Insanely Long Jump Look Easy”
Twenty-three seconds.